“To be is also not to be.”
A true believer that not all of life experiences need to be experienced firsthand, Nerdette flourishes through the written words of authors, drawing both knowledge and empathy from a strong connection with characters—protagonist and antagonists alike. If it hasn’t been read, it’s on the list; if it’s been read and delighted in, it will be reread. A bookworm, but not one without TANG.
Pet Peeves: Misquotes, book clubs and fluorescent lighting
Hobbies: Reading, writing and lava cakes
Shedding her outer shell to take on battles of the imagination and the park, Sprintress in her Beast form is edgy, quick, agile and tough as nails. Filling in the big shoes of the many beloved characters in her favourite reads, she trains not only her body, but her mind to take on unlikely challenges and come out victor.